Hand-eye coordination

Strong eye-hand coordination in esports leads to better performance and a competitive advantage through precise and quick movements.

From a scientific perspective, eye-hand coordination is a complex skill that involves the coordination of brain and nervous system processes, as well as the movements of the eyes and hands. It includes the rapid perception, processing, and response to information, ensuring that hand movements follow the perceived information accurately and efficiently.

learn this skill with:

These games are specifically designed to improve eye-hand coordination skills, which can be enhanced through practice. In addition to practice, they also serve as warm-up exercises.

Test your hand-eye coordination with the games ShootWhatYouCan, MinuteMastery, CyberAim, and Aim Microshot.

Currently, there are two types of devices you can try these games with: a controller and the mouse + keyboard combination.


standard, controller

ShootWhatYouCan is a multitasking challenge that tests your ability to manage multiple tasks at once.

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standard, controller

Minute Mystery challenges your ability to process information rapidly and make accurate decisions under pressure, improving your cognitive flexibility and problem-solving skills.

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standard, controller

Cyber Aim challenges your hand-eye coordination by having you shoot targets that appear rapidly, sharpening your ability to react quickly and aim with precision under pressure.

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standrd, controller

AimMicroShot tests your hand-eye coordination with small, fast-moving targets, helping you improve your precision and reaction time in high-pressure situations where accuracy is key.

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Why is it important?

In esports, good eye-hand coordination is crucial for players’ performance. Players need to move, aim, and react quickly and accurately to various in-game situations. Participating in the ShootWhatYouCan test and practicing similar activities that develop hand-eye coordination allow players to improve these skills and enhance their competitiveness in esports, enabling them to execute precise and fast movements.

You practice this


How can you practice?

In esports, logical skills are of paramount importance as they help players approach the game and their opponents’ strategies in a structured and rational manner. Applying logic allows players to optimize their decisions, plan their moves and strategies in advance, and efficiently solve problems under changing game conditions. Therefore, participating in the BoxMover game and similar logical challenges can provide players with an opportunity to develop and refine their logical skills, which are essential for successful performance in esports.